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radio bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "radio"
  • The aeroplane and radio have brought us closer.
    Pesawat dan radio telah membawa kita lebih dekat.
  • "You're listening to the radio, watching for other planes,
    "Kau mendengarkan radio, menonton untuk pesawat lainnya,
  • I heard all about the auction on the radio.
    Aku dengar soal pelelangan itu di radio.
  • I heard the news, sir. - They announced it on the radio.
    Mereka umumkan di radio.
  • A piece of wreckage fell into the radio panel.
    Sepotong puing jatuh ke panel radio .
  • This is Radio Deutschland nation voting ends for Tonight.
    Ini Radio suara Jerman yg menyambut Anda.
  • Sir, radio's picked up transmission from the enemy plane.
    Sir, radio mengambil transmisi dari pesawat musuh.
  • You heard about the reward on the radio.
    Kalian mendengar soal hadiah di radio. - Hadiah?
  • He took a radio off one of my deputies.
    Ia mengambil radio dari salah satu deputiku.
  • I have all the records at the radio station.
    saya memiliki semua catatan di stasiun radio.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5