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raungan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "raungan"
  • Well, legend says the Boneknapper's roar is its mating call.
    Legenda bilang raungan Boneknapper adalah panggilan kawin.
  • Those include the roar's resonance, the duration of the roar, and the
    Gema raungan..., Durasi raungan, Dan
  • Those include the roar's resonance, the duration of the roar, and the
    Gema raungan..., Durasi raungan, Dan
  • Did you hear that roar this morning?
    Kau dengar suara raungan itu pagi ini ?
  • Though with a roar, it's more about hearing
    Meskipun dengan raungan, itu lebih tentang sidang
  • Lemming We heard a roar like seals.
    Kami mendengar raungan Lemming seperti anjing laut.
  • American... progress... and... growth... has come to... an end.
    Raungan keyakinan akan kemajuan dan perkembangan Amerika akan segera... berakhir.
  • Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar?
    Siapa yang bisa memberiku Raungan paling menakutkan ?
  • Can you describe the roar in question?
    Bisa jelaskan raungan macam apa ?
  • Now, give us a big, loud roar.
    Sekarang berikan kita raungan besar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5