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robek-robek bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "robek-robek"
  • robek:    rent; splitting; tear; pull out; rip; scratch; torn; split; broken; rip off; peel; ragged; tear off
  • merobek-robek:    frazzle; frazzled; frazzling; tear piecement; tear up; teared piecement; teared up; tearing piecement; tearing up; tore piecement; tore up; torn piecement; torn up
  • pakaian robek:    worn-out garment
  • mərobek:    tear
  • robbins:    jerome robbins; robbins
  • robekan:    rip; rupture; shred; slit; snag; tear; rift
  • robbers' roost (film):    robbers' roost (1955 film)
  • robert:    robert; henry m. robert; henry martyn robert
  • robber (siri tv):    robber (tv series)
  • robert (anak patung):    robert (doll)
  • robber (serial tv):    robber (tv series)
  • robert a. heinlein:    heinlein; robert a. heinlein; robert anson heinlein
  • When I woke up, he had shredded the family Bible.
    Ketika aku bangun, ia robek-robek Alkitab keluarga.
  • Don't you rip that paper up.
    Jangan robek-robek kertas itu.
  • I'll rip your body limb from limb, and your remains will never be found.
    Akan ku robek-robek tubuhmu sedikit demi sedikit, dan keberadaanmu tak akan pernah ditemukan.
  • Give us the baby, you little bitch or we'll rip it out of you!
    Berikan pada kami bayi itu, kamu pelacur kecil. Atau kami akan robek-robek kamu !
  • After an engagement lasting about one hour the enemy was driven up the mountain side and dispersed.
    Setelah sekitar satu jam berada di dalam, ia didorong keluar dengan hanya mengenakan qameez (baju yang panjang) yang telah robek-robek.
  • Rika pulls Rina's skirt and so does Rina. Rika's skirt is torn and so is Rina's.
    Rika tarik-tarik rok Rina dan Rina tarik-tarik rok Rika. Rok Rika robek-robek dan rusak dan Rok Rina rusak-rusak dan robek.
  • My friends were gone, and when I found him, his clothes were torn off, his eyes were frozen solid, but he was still alive.
    Aku terpisah dari teman-temanku, dan saat aku menemukan Shane, pakaiannya robek-robek, matanya beku, tapi dia masih hidup.
  • According to Guzman, Guevara was shot through the right calf, his hair was matted with dirt, his clothes were shredded, and his feet were covered in rough leather sheaths.
    Menurut Guzman, betis kanan Guevara tertembak, rambutnya kusut dan kotor, pakaiannya robek-robek, dan kakinya ditutupi dengan sarung kulit.
  • Sting's look, dominated by his orange-coloured hair (a result from his role in Dune) and tattered clothing, both of which were emphasised in the music videos from the album, carried over into the set for the concert.
    Penampilan Sting mencolok dengan rambutnya yang berwarna oranye (seperti penampilannya dalam film fiksi ilmiah Dune), pakaian yang robek-robek, dan unsur-unsur visual dari musik video mereka yang dibawa ke atas panggung.