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roman bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "roman"
  • Danny Roman' this is Agent Grey of the FBI.
    Danny Roman, ini Agen Grey dari FBI.
  • Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons.
    Roman akhir musim panas untuk segala macam alasan.
  • That's probably why it was so hard for Roman.
    Mungkin itu kenapa itu berat buat Roman.
  • You're not even out of the academy yet, Roman!
    Kau bahkan belum keluar dari akademi, Roman!
  • Romances don't seem to be your calling in life.
    Roman tidak tampaknya Kau menelepon dalam hidup.
  • It's always been a Roman-letter system here.
    Itu selalu sistem roman - surat di sini .
  • Yes, and the best one is Schwartz, Roman Schwartz.
    Itu adalah kau dan Swartz. Roman Swartz
  • Including Halil Pasha, the Latins, the Pope, and Hungarians.
    ...termasuk Halil Pasha, Roman, Paus, dan Hungaria.
  • Dick Roman is every card in my hit deck.
    Dick Roman mengalahkan ku di tiap kesempatan.
  • Amanda Willer. Surprise, surprise -- works for Richard Roman.
    Kejutan, kejutan - bekerja pd Richard Roman.
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