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runtuh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "runtuh"
  • The skies won't fall if they flunk their exams
    Langit takkan runtuh kalau mereka gagal ujian.
  • About an hour later, both of them collapsed.
    Sekitar satu jam kemudian, kedua dari mereka runtuh
  • The whole thing'll come down in about an hour or so.
    Semuanya akan runtuh dalam sejam.
  • I forget that my respiratory system will collapse.
    Saya lupa bahwa saya sistem pernapasan akan runtuh.
  • Seems like... we won't rest until the walls fall.
    Sepertinya kita takkan beristirahat hingga temboknya runtuh.
  • A lot of them could collapse on us at any time.
    Dia bisa runtuh kapan saja.
  • Boy, how the mighty have truly fallen, huh?
    Bro, bagaimana mungkin kejayaan bisa benar-benar runtuh, ya?
  • But a shop in the flea market has collapsed..
    Tapi sebuah toko runtuh di pasar loak..
  • When the tunnel collapsed, it sealed the air supply off.
    Saat terowongan runtuh, suplai udara menurun.
  • The Sky Tower is about to topple soon.
    Sky Tower akan runtuh sekitar beberapa waktu lagi
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