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sekali bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sekali"
  • sekali sekali:    now and again; once in a while; here and there; every so often; occasionally; now and then; from time to time; at times; sometimes
  • sekali-sekali:    ever and anon; ever now and then; every now and again; every now and then; once in a while; sometimes; every so often; occasionally; occasional; at times; now and then; now and again; episodic; from
  • sekali-sekali tidak:    not on any account
  • (sekali) lagi:    afresh
  • adil sekali:    absolutely fair
  • asin sekali:    briny
  • asyik sekali:    rapt
  • bagus sekali:    magnificent; marvelous; masterful; excellent; fabulous; famously; sensational; super-; magnific; glorious; goluptious; lustrious; highborn
  • bahagia sekali:    be in the clouds
  • baik sekali:    bravo; hunky dory; splendid; top-flight; very well; angelically
  • banyak sekali:    a great deal; a great many; inordinate; load of; lot; multitudes of; munificent; myriad; numerous; oodles; scads; without number; astronomical; barrage; copious; copiously; excess; inexhaustible; pl
  • benar sekali:    absolutely true
  • benci sekali:    abhor; abhorrer; hate bitterly
  • bergembira sekali:    jubilant; walk on air
  • bersemangat sekali:    had plenty of backbone; have plenty of backbone; having plenty of backbone
  • Right up to us, like right up to here.
    Dekat sekali dengan kami, dekat seperti ini.
  • Those cells turn themselves over once every eight years.
    Sel-sel itu berubah setiap delapan tahun sekali.
  • Again, small to large is relevant here.
    Sekali lagi, kecil ke besar sangat relevan di sini.
  • "Try the yogurt. It's very good. Little expensive."
    "Cobalah yogurt ini. Enak sekali. Memang sedikit mahal."
  • I have about three minutes, so that'll fit perfectly.
    Saya punya tiga menit, sangat pas sekali.
  • And we don't have disposable people either.
    Dan kita tidak memiliki orang yang sekali pakai juga.
  • But very quickly I recovered. It was like that.
    Tapi saya cepat sekali pulih. Begitu saja.
  • And if we just scroll around, it's just massive.
    Dan kita bisa scroll kemana-mana, banyak sekali.
  • He was interviewed once, and he said the following.
    Dia pernah diwawancarai sekali dan dia mengatakan,
  • Previous generations couldn't do this experiment at all.
    Generasi sebelumnya tidak dapat melakukan percobaan sama sekali.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5