Masuk Daftar

sembari bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sembari"
  • sembarangan:    promiscuously; random; arbitrarily; thoughtless; tumult; every which way; teasing; impetuously; arbitrary; commotion; anybody; playing around; haphazardly; willy-nilly; anything; loose; aimlessly; c
  • sembarang waktu:    at all hours
  • sembayang:    worship; request; go to church; pray
  • sembarang:    any; arbitrary; criterionless; arbitrarily; useless; arbitrarious; heavy-handed; by chance; highhanded; randomly
  • sembap:    edema; hydrops; oedema; dropsy; swollen
  • sembelit:    constipate; constipation; constipated; irregularity
  • sembang dalam talian:    online chat
  • semberono:    heady; reckless; frivolous; foolhardy; rash
  • Could you pick up some formula on the way?
    Bisakah kau membeli susu sembari ke sini?
  • While waiting, in August he painted Sunflowers.
    Sembari menunggu, pada bulan Agustus, ia melukis Bunga Matahari.
  • How can a man sit through a blood-letting?
    Bagaimana seorang pria duduk sembari darahnya disedot?
  • I was just smoking a butt while I was waiting.
    Aku cuma merokok sembari menunggu.
  • Belch every few minutes while you're practising.
    Bersendawalah setiap beberapa menit sembari kau sedang belajar.
  • We'll guide the field units as we go.
    Kita akan memandu unit lapangan sembari jalan.
  • Why don't we go grab some grub while we wait?
    Kenapa kita tidak makan saja sembari menunggu?
  • I'll tell you about it over a drink. Come on.
    aku akan ceritakan padamu sembari minum. ayo.
  • They say Nero sang as he watched Rome burn.
    Mereka mengatakan Nero bernyanyi sembari melihat Roma hancur.
  • Try not to move your lips while you're counting.
    Coba tak gerakkan bibirmu sembari menghitung.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5