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sesekali bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sesekali"
  • Well, come to see a fat old man some time.
    Sesekali datanglah mengunjungi orang tua ini.
  • Now, you drop me a line once in a while, OK?
    Ingat, teleponlah aku sesekali, oke?
  • Every now and then... you seem to lose your Spanish accent.
    Sesekali... Lu kehilangan aksen spanyolmu.
  • But now and then every mother needs to get away.
    Tapi sesekali, tiap induk harus keluar.
  • You should flip on the Discovery Channel from time to time.
    Sesekali cobalah menonton Discovery Channel.
  • Maybe you could meet me in Fiji sometime.
    Mungkin kau bisa bertemu denganku sesekali di Fiji.
  • He doesn't react beyond asking an occasional question.
    dia tidak bereaksi cuma sesekali bertanya hal2 lain.
  • A smile every now and then wouldn't kill you.
    Senyum sesekali dan itu tidak akan membunuhmu.
  • And don't you ever think of hitting on me.
    Dan jangan sesekali jatuh hati kepada aku.
  • Gold diggers, people buying wool, drunkards, an occasional runaway.
    Penggali emas, pembeli wool, Pemabuk, sesekali pelarian.
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