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sirkuit bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sirkuit"
  • We're going to try the air lock circuits now.
    kami akan mencoba sirkuit pintu udara sekarang.
  • The new time-circuit control tubes are warmed up.
    Pipa kontrol sirkuit waktu yang baru sudah dipanaskan.
  • We're receiving flash traffic on the emergency circuit
    Kami menerima lalu lintas flash di sirkuit darurat
  • There's no closed-circuit to tap into?
    Tidak adakah sirkuit tertutup yang dapat aku manfaatkan? - Tidak
  • So, Billy, what's it like being in the circuit?
    Jadi, Billy, bagaimana rasanya berada di sirkuit?
  • And through these circuits Reyez will have "walls"
    Dan melalui sirkuit ini Reyez akan memiliki "dinding"
  • In Formula 1 it is known as "The Graveyard."
    Di F1, sirkuit ini dikenal sebagai "kuburan".
  • It's definitely on a different circuit to the station.
    Ini jelas pada sirkuit berbeda ke stasiun.
  • Four with his swords. For me, it's wires, circuits, fuses.
    Bagiku, ini cuma kabel, sirkuit, sekering.
  • It uses a cheap cipher circuit operated by Al.
    Saya menggunakan sirkuit murah yang dioperasikan AI.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5