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sirop bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sirop"
  • Sam, you slower than molasses in January.
    Sam, kau lebih lambat dibanding tetesan sirop Molase di bulan Januari.
  • You mainlined the kool-aid, huh?
    Kau suka minum sirop, ya?
  • Sparkling refreshment with the fruit syrups of S ...
    Penyegaran Sparkling nganggo sirop buah S ...
  • Syrup Adult - Protects the mucosa - Soothes cough
    ABOCA GrinTuss Adult Sirop 210g -
  • (El Jimador, Pamika sour, pineaple, jack fruit, grilled coconut water)
    (El jimador, Cointreau, lime Kalamansi, sirop d’agave)
  • One ounce lime juice, one ounce simple syrup dash grapefruit grenadine float.
    Satu Firefox udara jeruk nipis, satu Firefox sirop sederhana jeruk grenadine dash mengambang.
  • Monosari Kue and dried food, syrup and cakes, chocolate cake and dry food.
    Monosari Kue dan makanan kering, sirop dan kue, coklat kue dan makanan kering.
  • There were 2 kinds of drinks, namely Pink Lava (Pink drink that is very attractive, which was like syrup, it tasted good to relieve the Fire Combo's spicy taste).and another Fruit Tea Mango ( like ice lemon tea, but this tastes like mango.)
    Untuk minumnya ada 2 macam, yaitu Pink Lava (minuman berwarna Merah muda yang sangat menarik, yaitu seperti sirop rasanya. enak sih untuk menyiram rasa pedasnya Fire Combo ini).