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standish bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "standish"
  • Sir? Lieutenant Standish reporting for duty again, sir.
    Pak, Letnan Standish melapor untuk bertugas, pak.
  • Howard also played Standish in the Broadway play.
    Howard juta berperan menjadi Standish dalam permainan panggung Broadway.
  • Oh, we lost them again, Captain Standish.
    Oh, kita kehilangan mereka lagi, Kapten Standish.
  • Listen up, Standish is on the prowl, all right?
    Dengar, Standish sedang patroli, oke?
  • Makes you wonder if Captain Standish is losing his edge.
    Membuat Kita bertanya-tanya apakah Captain Standish telah kehilangan kemampuannya.
  • And may I say, my father, Admiral Percy Standish, sends his regards.
    Dan ayahku, Laksamana Percy Standish kirim salam.
  • Hey, thanks for helping me out the other night with Standish.
    Hei, terima kasih sudah membantuku semalam soal Standish.
  • Did Standish mistake it for rain as he entered the temple?
    Tentu Standish menganggapnya itu hujan ketika ia memasuki kuil.
  • Standish, I want eyes on the damage.
    Standish, aku ingin kerusakannya diperiksa.
  • Look here, which one is Standish's?
    Dengar, yang mana punya Standish?
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