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tallahassee bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tallahassee"
  • You know, Tallahassee and Columbus are, both uh...east.
    kau tau, Tallahassee dan Columbus, keduanya ada di....timur
  • Hey Tallahassee, Wichita why don't you take that way.
    Hey Tallahassee, Wichita Mengapa kau tidak pergi kesana.
  • What did you enjoy so much about Tallahassee?
    Apa yang begitu kau nikmati di Tallahassee?
  • Once Upon A Time 02x06 Tallahassee
    Once Upon A Time Season 2 Episode 6 Tallahassee
  • I got an auntie in Tallahassee who's a diabetic.
    Aku punya Bibi di Tallahassee yang mengidap diabetes.
  • The grabbed me back in Tallahassee, brought me here.
    Menangkapku kembali di Tallahassee, membawaku kemari.
  • I figure, I'll be safer with Tallahassee.
    Aku pikir, aku akan aman bersama Tallahassee.
  • Really, what did you enjoy so much about Tallahassee?
    Sungguh aku ingin tahu, apa yang membuatmu menyukai Tallahassee?
  • We could change our identities and go to Tallahassee.
    Kita bisa mengganti identitas kita dan pergi ke Tallahassee.
  • Their questionnaires are sent to incinerators outside of Tallahassee, Florida.
    Kuesioner mereka dikirim ke insinerator Diluar Tallahassee, Florida.
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