tanah-tembok bahasa Inggris
- tembok: wall; fortification; concrete wall; rock wall; barricade; roadblock; masonry wall; barrier
- tembok-tembok penguasa: walls of the ruler
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres; abbacy; area; rilievo; landed estate; demesne; real estate; mainland; landmass; relievo; embossment; region; mud; world; shore; continent; clay; solid
- batu tembok: hollow brick
- batu-tembok: building stone
- cecak tembok: flat-tailed house gecko
- dinding tembok: stonewall
- pahat-tembok: stone mason's chisel
- pembakaran tembok: brick-works
- setengah tembok: half brick
- tembok api: firewall (computing); firewall
- tembok atlantik: atlantic wall
- tembok aurelianus: aurelian walls
- tembok berlin: berlin wall
- tembok bloch: bloch wall