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telaga bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "telaga"
  • telaga minyak:    oil well
  • batu bersurat telaga batu:    telaga batu inscription
  • prasasti telaga batu:    telaga batu inscription
  • sungai telaga waja:    telaga waja river
  • telaga zam-zam:    zamzam well
  • teladan:    a figure of speech; by words; example; exemplary; lead; model; paragon; warning; cautionary; monitory; emulation; admonitory; beacon; lesson; instance; object lesson; deterrent example; role model;
  • telaah waktu:    time study; time and motion study
  • telaah gerak:    motion study; time and motion study; time study
  • telaah:    study; research
  • telah:    already; be already; had already; have already; have yet; have; completed; previously; has; completive aspect; yet; perfective aspect; accomplished; no longer; perfective
  • tel aviv-yalo:    tel aviv-jaffa; tel aviv-yalo; tel aviv
  • telah (menjadi):    have been
  • Having lost his horse, Duryodhana leaves the battlefield.
    Setelah kehabisan pasukan, Duryodhana bersembunyi di dasar telaga.
  • I'll help you bring in the well.
    Saya akan membantu anda membawa dalam telaga .
  • News on the strike spread rapidly.
    Berita tentang terbentuknya telaga pun tersiar dengan cepat.
  • The ride officially opened on May 8, 2005.
    Telaga ni dibuka secara resmi pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2005.
  • They have a legend of a journey to a sacred lake.
    Mereka punya legenda, tentang perjalanan ke telaga suci.
  • We rowed out into the lake, and said goodbye to him.
    Kami hanyutkan dalam telaga, dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal padanya.
  • "Konstruksi Stasiun KRL Telaga Murni Dimulai, Superblok MMC Siap Dibangun".
    "Konstruksi Stasiun KRL Telaga Murni Dimulai, Superblok MMC Siap Dibangun".
  • With its lid turned upside down, he also used it as stool.
    Jasadnya diangkat dari telaga, lalu disempurnakan sebagaimana mestinya.
  • We can put out the fire, we bring in the well.
    Kita boleh memadamkan api , kami membawa dalam telaga .
  • "Come to Telaga Hideung tomorrow."
    "Datanglah ke Telaga Hideung besok."
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