terendah-penting bahasa Inggris
- tingkat terendah: lowest level of; lowest-level; rock-bottom
- titik terendah: lowwater mark; nadir
- -penting: -importance
- penting: essential; high; important; magnitude; major; much important; notable; noteworthy; of note; serious; significant; to be of important; urgent; vital; weighty; big; consequence; count; exalted; grave;
- anggota golongan terendah: prole; proletarian; blue-collar; worker
- permukaan air terendah: low water; ebb tide; lowtide; low tide; ebb
- produksi biaya terendah: least cost production
- surut terendah dalam setahun: neap tide
- harga pokok terendah atau pasar: lower of cost or market
- kelas yg terendah di india: untouchables
- adalah penting: it is important
- arti penting: importance
- bagian penting: key area; vital part; crux
- bahagian penting: vital part
- berperan penting: bulk large; bulked large; bulking large; sulk