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terkena bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "terkena"
  • terkena angin:    windswept
  • terkena panik:    panic stricken
  • hampir terkena celaka:    narrow escape
  • terkemuka:    at the fore; eminent; famed; famous; foremost; notable; of choice; outstanding; prominent; renown; stand first; wellknown; distinguished; premier; prima; respected; guiding light; striking; main; pr
  • terkembang:    wide apart
  • terkelupas:    peel off; peel; flake; flake off
  • terkelopak:    flake; undress; pare; disrobe; strip; flake off; peel off; skin; unclothe; peel; strip down; uncase; discase
  • terkenal:    carry all before one; fame; famed; famous; illustrious; notably; noted; notoriously; popularly; renowned; storied; up one's alley; well known; well-connected; well-known; household word; prominent;
  • terkeliru:    feel puzzled
  • terkenal akan:    noted for
  • We want to pretend that Mexico has the flu.
    Kita ingin berpura-pura bahwa Meksiko terkena flu.
  • You damn gays, may you all get AIDS!
    Najis.. dasar gay Semoga kalian semua terkena AIDS!
  • You're so drunk, you can't hit nothin'.
    Kamu sangat mabuk, Anda tidak dapat terkena apa-apa '.
  • I just got the wind knocked out of me.
    Aku hanya terkena angin yang merobohkan aku.
  • Did he completely take on that attack just now?
    Apakah dia benar-benar terkena serangan yang tadi?
  • You're the common cold, and we are the cure.
    Kau terkena pilek, dan kami lah obatnya.
  • It is me that brainless pig should have cursed.
    Pasti gara-gara aku babi itu terkena kutukan.
  • Ain't nothin' but some scalding' pork grease.
    tidak apa-apa hanya sedikit terkena lemak babi yang mendidih.
  • Give us the real name or you get hit
    Beri kami nama asli atau Anda terkena
  • Silent Night only breaks down in deep water.
    Silent Night hanya bisa rusak kalau terkena air.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5