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tertangkap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tertangkap"
  • keadaan tertangkap:    captivity
  • tertangkap basah:    catch in the act; catched red handed; red handed; catch red-handed
  • tidak tertangkap:    uncaught
  • tertanggung:    the insured; dependable; secure; safe; good
  • tertancap:    wedged in; integrated; embedded; related
  • tertanam:    implanted; deep-seated; deposit; ingrained; planted; lodge; stick; wedge; deep-rooted
  • tertara:    equate; rival; equal; match; equalize; be; equalise; touch
  • tertambat:    pull; attract; draw; pull in; draw in; appeal
  • tertarik:    stuck on; be sold on; be taken with/by; curiously; fancy; interested; take an interest; would like to; impress; instill; overeager; ingrain; desire; invite; appeal; like; tempt; delight; fond of; wi
  • tertahan-tahan:    broken
  • tertarik akan:    be into something; interest in; interested in; keen on
  • How did Chief Kang get caught in this situation?
    Bagaimana Ketua Kang tertangkap dalam situasi ini?
  • He was captured this morning by those men of Ramon's.
    Ia tertangkap pagi ini oleh Ramon.
  • A man who gets caught doesn't deserve respect.
    Seseorang yang tertangkap tidak layak dihormati, hah ?
  • His attention was caught by a specimen of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
    Perhatiannya tertangkap Oleh spesimen Hieroglif Mesir.
  • No, but he nearly caught me red-handed today.
    Tidak, tapi hampir saja aku tertangkap basah olehnya.
  • Sharp with ya now, before we're all caught!
    Tajam dengan ya sekarang, sebelum kita semua tertangkap!
  • We'd have to, anyway, if we got caught.
    Kita harus, gimana pun juga, seandainya kita tertangkap.
  • You were caught trying to steal the Sankara Stones.
    Kau tertangkap saat mencoba mencuri batu Sankara.
  • So that when I come I would be caught-
    Jadi saat aku datang Aku akan tertangkap!
  • My mistake. I wasn't careful.
    Biarkan dia. - - L tertangkap karena kamu! Itu sama saja.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5