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tertekan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tertekan"
  • I was faster but just as depressed.
    Saya menjadi lebih cepat, tetapi tetap merasa lebih tertekan.
  • I had forgotten that these bars it can be depressing.
    Aku lupa bahwa bar dapat tertekan.
  • I know you're depressed 'cause of what happened
    Aku tahu kau tertekan karena apa yang terjadi
  • I mean, if you're in distress, I will help you.
    Jika kau tertekan, aku akan membantumu.
  • Let them stew in their juices for a bit.
    Biarkan mereka tertekan dengan keadaan mereka sekarang.
  • So why did Jonathan Kent always seem so stressed?
    Jadi, kenapa Jonathan Kent selalu tampak tertekan?
  • Is she being pressured to toe the line?
    Dia dalam keadaan tertekan saat mengatakan hal itu?
  • I'm not depressed I just had a bad dream.
    Aku tidak tertekan Aku hanya bermimpi buruk.
  • Anyway, for two weeks afterwards I was so depressed.
    Dua minggu setelah itu aku sangat tertekan.
  • How depressing is that gonna be? Just call them.
    Akan membuat tertekan jadinya, Telepon saja mereka.
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