tunjuk-sebut bahasa Inggris
- sebut: call; tell; name; referred to; advert; named; denominate; refer to; refer; enunciate; bring up; order; articulate; enounce; mentioned; enjoin; pronounce; list; sound out; state; identify; mention; c
- tunjuk: show; designated; guide on; index; shew; set aside; head; demo; channelize; conduct; adopt; steer; select; present; selected; demonstrate; guide; channelise; exhibit; indicate; manoeuver; designate;
- salah sebut: miscall; miscalled; miscalling
- sebut bawah: below mentioned
- baru saja di sebut-sebut: talk of the devil
- jari tunjuk: index finger
- tunjuk cara: demonstration (teaching)
- tunjuk diri: come along; appear; look; seem; come out
- tunjuk muka: appear; come along; look; come out; seem
- tunjuk perasaan: demonstrate; demonstration; demonstration (political); master of architecture; disorderliness; roughness; rowdiness; rowdyism; march
- tunjuk rupa: show face
- cek atas tunjuk: cheque at sight
- kata ganti tunjuk: demonstrative pronoun; that
- pokok tunjuk langit: helminthostachys zeylanica
- surat dagang atas tunjuk: bearer of note
- Play media Pointing and calling is a method in occupational safety for avoiding mistakes by pointing at important indicators and calling out the status.
Tunjuk-sebut merupakan prosedur keselamatan kerja untuk menghindari kesalahan dengan menunjuk indikator penting sembari menyebutkan statusnya.