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turri bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "turri"
  • turpin:    turpin; dick turpin
  • turpentin:    pine resin
  • tursko, republik czech:    tursko (prague-west district)
  • tursu:    torshi
  • turning point:    turning point (2009 hong kong film)
  • turtle (kapal selam):    turtle (submersible)
  • turner motorsports:    turner scott motorsports
  • turun:    came down; climb down; climbed down; climbing down; come down; descend; descended; descending; dismount; dismounted; dismounting; down; downwards; getting down; getting off; go down; going down; gon
  • The land front was flanked by four towers, one near Greeks Gate, another at the centre of the land front, the Turri Mastra (also known as Turri dila bandiera) near the main entrance and the Turri di la Camera at the southeast corner of the city.
    Bagian depan dilindungi empat menara, satu di dekat Gerbang Yunani, lainnya di tengah lahan depan, Turri Mastra di dekat gerbang utama, dan Turri di la Camera di sudut tenggara.
  • The land front was flanked by four towers, one near Greeks Gate, another at the centre of the land front, the Turri Mastra (also known as Turri dila bandiera) near the main entrance and the Turri di la Camera at the southeast corner of the city.
    Bagian depan dilindungi empat menara, satu di dekat Gerbang Yunani, lainnya di tengah lahan depan, Turri Mastra di dekat gerbang utama, dan Turri di la Camera di sudut tenggara.