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tyrol bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tyrol"
  • "Schloss Itter - Tyrol". (in German).
    Summer 2015. ^ "Schloss Itter - Tyrol". (dalam bahasa German).
  • Tyrol Anna Knudsen, Knutzhorn, whatever.
    Tyrol Anna Knudsen, Knutzhorn. whatever.
  • Programme of the European Forum Alpbach 2018 (
    ► Forum Alpbach 2018 – Tyrol Days (
  • 39048 Selva Val Gardena - South Tyrol
    39030 S. LORENZO DI SEBATO - South Tyrol
  • 18038 Sanremo - Imperia - Coast Flowers
    39030 S. LORENZO DI SEBATO - South Tyrol
  • Wxyz Web Cams - Mountains of Galtür Webcam - Galtur
    Austria Webcam - Tyrol Webcam - Galtur Webcam
  • Mountains, alpine, clouds, mountain landscape, sky, langtaufers, south tyrol
    pegunungan, Alpine, awan, pemandangan gunung, langit, langtaufers, tyrol Selatan
  • Cadini, dolomites, mountains, italy, alpine, south tyrol, unesco world heritage
    cadini, Dolomites, pegunungan, Italia, Alpine, tyrol Selatan, Warisan Dunia UNESCO
  • In 1517 the Fugger family financed more than half of Tyrol's public budget.
    Pada 1517 Keluarga Fugger membiayai lebih dari setengah anggaran publik kota Tyrol.
  • Well, I assume if you look, you'll find Tyrol Knutzhorn lives in New York.
    Kurasa jika kau periksa kau akan dapati Tyrol Knutzhorn tinggal di New York.
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