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volume bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "volume"
  • We're constantly adding new pages and new volumes.
    Kami terus menambahkan baru halaman dan volume baru.
  • The life and times of John Murdoch, Volume 2.
    Kehidupan dan kali Murdoch John, Volume 2.
  • Now can you just turn the goddamn music down?
    Sekarang bisa kah kau mengurangi volume musiknya?
  • Find "Pump up the volume" OST from the database.
    Cari "Pompa Facebook volume" OST dari database.
  • We wanted that Fight at the highest volume.
    Kami inginkan pertempuran pada volume yang tertinggi .
  • It's too loud! Turn it down. Too loud?
    dengar itu kekerasan kecilkan volume nya terlalu keras?
  • Would you mind turning up the volume on your television?
    Apakah kau keberatan membesarkan... volume televisimu?
  • Diane, why would ibis's trading volume suddenly drop 90%?
    Diane, mengapa volume trading Ibis turun 90%?
  • The volume of titrant reacted is called titration volume.
    Volume titer yang bereaksi disebut volume titrasi.
  • The volume of titrant reacted is called titration volume.
    Volume titer yang bereaksi disebut volume titrasi.
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