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activity artinya

pengucapan: [ æk'tiviti ]  audio:
kata benda plural: activities   
contoh kalimat "activity"
  • So anyway, we found activity in three brain regions.
    Kita menemukan aktivitas di 3 area otak.
  • This tracks your activity and also your sleep.
    Alat ini memantau aktivitas dan juga tidur Anda.
  • I stopped engaging in clubs and leadership activities.
    Aku berhenti aktif di klub dan kegiatan kepemimpinan.
  • There's a lot of enemy activity up around Ardennes.
    Ada banyak kegiatan musuh di sekitar Ardennes.
  • Human activities brighten our landscape and our atmosphere.
    Kegiatan manusia mencerahkan kami lanskap dan suasana kami.
  • That, however, was cut short by your... "activity".
    Itu, omong-omong, terhenti tiba-tiba oleh ... aktivitas kalian.
  • We've got a lot of thruster activity here.
    Kami punya banyak dari pendorong aktivitas di sini.
  • Mount Calvo's magma activity has been on the rise!
    Aktivitas magma Gunung Calvo ini terus meningkat!
  • OK, girls, the rest of you, back to your activities.
    Yang lainnya, kembali lanjutkan kegiatan kalian.
  • No sexual activity for at least ten days.
    Tidak ada aktivitas seksual setidaknya selama sepuluh hari.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"

  • the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
    Sinonim: activeness,

  • an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity"
    Sinonim: bodily process, body process, bodily function,

  • a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity"
    Sinonim: natural process, natural action, action,

  • the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
    Sinonim: action, activeness,

  • (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"