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aerobic artinya

contoh kalimat "aerobic"
  • Stay away from aerobic exercises that make you breathe hard.
    menjauhlah dari latihan erobik yang membuatmu bernafas berat.
  • There's going to be an aerobic class at the neighborhood office.
    Akan ada kelas aerobik di kantor sekitar sini.
  • Organotrophs can be either anaerobic or aerobic.
    Organotrof dapat berupa anaerobik atau aerobik.
  • And it's a great aerobic workout.
    Dan itu olahraga aerobik yang bagus.
  • Molecular oxygen, O2, is essential for cellular respiration in all aerobic organisms.
    Dioksigen molekuler, O2, sangatlah penting untuk respirasi sel organisme aerob.
  • And that's Aerobic Al.
    Dan itu Al si Atletis.
  • How to Get Fit and Healthy with Aerobic
    Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan bugar dan sehat dengan aerobik
  • Selenium - This can improve aerobic exercise performance
    Selenium - ini dapat meningkatkan kinerja latihan aerobik
  • Aerobic Fitness Conditioned Match (8vs8) 23 September 2011
    Aerobik Badan Dingin Padanan (8vs8) 23 September 2011
  • Aerobic exercises such as cycling, swimming, or walking
    Latihan aerobik seperti bersepeda, renang, atau berjalan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • depending on free oxygen or air; "aerobic fermentation"
    Sinonim: aerophilic, aerophilous,

  • based on or using the principles of aerobics; enhancing respiratory and circulatory efficiency; "aerobic dance"; "running is very aerobic"