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aerosol artinya

contoh kalimat "aerosol"
  • It was some kind of hallucinogen, weaponized, in aerosol form.
    Ini semacam halusinogen, weaponized, dalam bentuk aerosol.
  • Is that it starts as a silicon-Based aerosol,
    Awalnya itu bermula sebagai silikon berbasis aeorosol
  • We just seized these aerosol cans from her lab.
    Kami menemukan kaleng aerosol di Labnya.
  • Those “vaping” then inhale the aerosol and receive nicotine.
    "Uap" aerosolnya kemudian dihirup dan penghirupnya menerima nikotin.
  • Investigators found bombs of aerosol paint in his bag.
    Petugas keamanan menemukan peralatan pembuatan bom di kopernya.
  • It was identified as a stratospheric sulfate aerosol veil.
    "Kabut" tersebut diidentifikasikan sebagai kabut aerosol sulfat stratosfer.
  • Dear Mr. Science guy... don't spray that aerosol in my eye.
    Hei, Tuan Ilmuwan.. Jangan semprot aerosol dimataku..
  • Aerosol dispersant, that's what it said in the records.
    Berbentuk aerosol yang tersebar, itu yang dikatakan dalam catatannya.
  • They think that aerosol deodorants may cause breast cancer.
    Mereka pikir bahwa deodoran aerosol dapat menyebabkan kanker payudara.
  • It's the drug Tadalifil in aerosol form.
    Ini adalah obat Tadalafil dalam bentuk aerosol.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas)
    Sinonim: aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can,

  • a cloud of solid or liquid particles in a gas