Masuk Daftar

ail artinya

kata kerja past tense: ailed   kata kerja past continuous: ailed   kata kerja present continuous: ailing   
contoh kalimat "ail"
  • For them there isn't any problem at ail!
    Bagi mereka tak ada masalah sama sekali!
  • What will we do with ail this money?
    Apa yang akan kami lakukan dengan semua uang itu?
  • Oh, miss, what ailed wee Lindsay has no mortal cure.
    apa yang dialami Lindsay tak ada obatnya.
  • You had no doubt as to what ailed her.
    Kamu tahu pasti apa yang terjadi pada dirinya.
  • I hope the good doctor cured whatever it was that ailed you.
    Kuharap dokter tampan menyembuhkan penyakitmu.
  • Listen, Daniel would like to cheer him up in behalf of ail.
    Dengar, Daniel sangat ingin menghiburnya.
  • You check the ailing patient's pulse and treat him.
    Kau memeriksa denyut nadi pasien yang sakit dan mengobatinya.
  • You were not moved, despite ailing health.
    Kau tak mau pergi meskipun kesehatanmu menurun.
  • Eight kills in your first wave. Thirteen in ail.
    Delapan terbunuh dalam gelombang pertamamu Tiga belas di ail.
  • "While she was here ail the time."
    "Sementara dia ada di sini setiap saat."
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • aromatic bulb used as seasoning
    Sinonim: garlic,

  • Kata kerja
  • cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
    Sinonim: trouble, pain,

  • be ill or unwell