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ally artinya

pengucapan: [ ə'lai ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: allied   kata kerja past continuous: allied   kata benda plural: allies   kata kerja present continuous: allying   
contoh kalimat "ally"
  • A brief, superficial summary of a fictitious Allied victory
    Brifing, ringkasan singkat dangkal kemenangan fiktif Sekutu
  • We're supposed to have Allied air cover and we don't.
    Kita seharusnya punya bantuan udara Sekutu.
  • We've already placed orders with several of our allies.
    Kami sudah memerintahkan dengan beberapa sekutu kami.
  • Suresh gained a new ally against the face of evil.
    ...Suresh mendapatkan bantuan untuk melawan kejahatan
  • No, you're not, you have the car Ally of destroyed.
    Tidak,..kau tidak, kau sudah menghancurkan mobil.,.
  • Does the idea does a big cityOf ally
    Apakah idenya itu bisa menjadi kota yang besar.
  • If you're looking to allying yourself with peter,
    Jika Anda mencari untuk bersekutu diri dengan peter,
  • Without allied support, ...the chance for victory seems slight.
    Tanpa bantuan sekutu. Kemungkinan menang sepertinya tipis.
  • Skill and the testament of years were his allies.
    Keterampilan dan surat wasiat tahun itu sekutu-sekutunya.
  • I should never have allied myself with a madman.
    Aku seharusnya tidak bersekutu dengan orang gila.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a friendly nation

  • an associate who provides cooperation or assistance; "he''s a good ally in fight"
    Sinonim: friend,

  • Kata kerja
  • become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage; "He allied himself with the Communists"