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anecdotal artinya

contoh kalimat "anecdotal"
  • Okay, it's anecdotal, but it's true, all right?
    Oke, itu anekdot, tapi memang benar, oke ?
  • Except offering anecdotal crap about other teenagers.
    Jika aku mendengar sekali lagi - Baiklah, lihat, aku minta maaf.
  • That's not a turn of phrase, that's anecdotal evidence.
    Itu bukan pergantian frase, bahwa bukti yang bersifat anekdot.
  • In most instances, the 'proof' is based on anecdotal evidence."
    Dalam banyak kasus, "bukti"nya didasarkan pada bukti anekdot."
  • Or maybe there's some anecdotal evidence.
    Atau mungkin ada beberapa bukti anekdot.
  • Oh, I have 17 years' worth of anecdotal proof he does.
    Oh, aku telah senilai 17 tahun bukti anekdot yang dilakukannya.
  • The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.
    Anekdot bukti sangat banyak.
  • Anecdotal Evidence, Statistically based Conclusion, and Functional Training
    Bukti Anekdot, Kesimpulan berdasarkan Statistik, dan latihan Fungsional
  • Well, that seems anecdotal.
    Nah, yang tampaknya anekdot.
  • That's what anecdotal means.
    Itulah yang berarti anekdot.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • having the character of an anecdote; "anecdotal evidence"

  • Kata sifat
  • characterized by or given to telling anecdotes; "anecdotal conversation"; "an anecdotal history of jazz"; "he was at his anecdotic best"
    Sinonim: anecdotic, anecdotical,