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anemone artinya

kata benda plural: anemones   
contoh kalimat "anemone"
  • "With fronds like these, who needs anemones?"
    "Dengan daun seperti ini, siapa yang butuh anemone?"
  • For this pair, the anemone is like a castle.
    Untuk pasangan ini, anemon seperti benteng.
  • His position in the anemone is far from secure.
    Posisinya di anemon jauh dari aman.
  • The magnificent sea anemone has two feeding methods.
    Kutu laut raksasa memiliki 2 pasang antena.
  • Anemone, did you see my new necklace?
    Anemone, apakah Anda melihat kalung baru saya?
  • Clown fish can hide away within an anemone.
    Clownfish bisa menyembunyikan diri dalam anemon.
  • So is he an anemone or a plankton?
    Jadi dia sebenarnya Anemone atau plankton?
  • Do you want this anemone to sting you?
    Kau ingin Anemon ini menyengatmu?
  • In the wild, they all form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones.
    Di alam bebas mereka bersimbiosis dengan anemon laut.
  • Look who's out of the anemone.
    Lihat siapa yang keluar dari Anemon.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • marine polyps that resemble flowers but have oral rings of tentacles; differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton
    Sinonim: sea anemone,

  • any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves
    Sinonim: windflower,