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appetite artinya

pengucapan: [ 'æpitait ]  audio:
kata benda plural: appetites   
contoh kalimat "appetite"
  • So Rome shaped its hinterland through its appetite.
    Jadi Roma membentuk wilayah kekuasaannya melalui selera makannya.
  • I really don't have that much of an appetite.
    Aku benar-benar tidak terlalu memiliki nafsu makan.
  • You mustn't let these minor disruptions ruin your appetite.
    Jangan biarkan masalah kecil merusak selera makanmu.
  • I really don't have that much of an appetite.
    Aku-aku benar-benar tidak memiliki banyak dari selera.
  • Hope you brought your appetite with you. - Oh, I did.
    kuharap kau membawa nafsu makanmu
  • My appetite may be less, not of my sons,
    Nafsu makanku mungkin berkurang, tapi bukan anakku,
  • Maybe we're older and with reduced sexual appetite.
    Mungkin bertahun-tahun dan kami berharap musim gugur .
  • I remember you having a very sizeable... appetite.
    Aku ingat kamu punya ukuran selera yang besar.
  • When someone doesn't have an appetite... sesame porridge?
    Saat seseorang tidak nafsu makan... bubur biji wijen?
  • Maximum dosage may cause bouts of uncontrollable appetite.
    Dosis maksimum bisa menyebabkan tidak terkontrolnya nafsu makanan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a feeling of craving something; "an appetite for life"; "the object of life is to satisfy as many appetencies as possible"- Granville Hicks
    Sinonim: appetency, appetence,