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ark artinya

contoh kalimat "ark"
  • And when Noah had done built his Ark ...
    Dan ketika Nuh selesai membangun bahteranya ...
  • He goes to the ark. He opens the ark.
    Ia menuju ke arah tabut dan membukanya.
  • He goes to the ark. He opens the ark.
    Ia menuju ke arah tabut dan membukanya.
  • And the museum gets the Ark when we're finished?
    Dan museum mendapatkan Ark ketika kita selesai?
  • Jones, do you realise what the Ark is?
    Jones, apakah Anda menyadari apa yang Tabut ini?
  • But Colonel , what if ARCAM gets into the Ark?
    bagaimana jika Arcam berhasil mencapai "Bahtera-nya"?
  • What if the Ark itself is what caused the flood?
    Bagaimana jika "Bahtera" penyebab "Banjir Besar"?
  • The Ark is destroyed . All has returned to nothingness.
    Semua akan kembali lagi ke "Tiada-an".
  • Ark Angel Zero Six, this is Alpha Whiskey.
    Ark Angel Nol Enam, ini adalah Alpha Whiskey.
  • I can't believe we're going through the Ark.
    Saya tidak percaya Kita akan pergi ke Ark
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a boat built by Noah to save his family and animals from the flood