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arla artinya

contoh kalimat "arla"
  • arla
  • Arla, does the Law of Right and Good command you to die?
    Arla, apakah UU Kebaika Kebenaran memerintahkan kau mati?
  • Your life is in your hands, Arla.
    Hidupmu di tanganmu, Arla.
  • Arla UHT Milk Organic Low Fat 1ltr
    Nada UHT Milk Full Fat Tetra 1ltr
  • Arla Foods is today owned by approximately 10,600 milk producers in Denmark and Sweden.
    Arla Foods dimiliki oleh sekitar 10.600 produsen susu di Denmark dan Swedia.
  • The global biggest diary supplier Arla Enignner Mr Andy Fox visit Vfiner
    Pemasok buku harian terbesar dunia Arla Enignner Mr Andy Fox mengunjungi Vfiner
  • Arla Foods amba is an international cooperative based in Viby, Denmark, and the largest producer of dairy products in Scandinavia.
    Arla Foods adalah sebuah koperasi yang berpusat di ?rhus, Denmark, dan produsen terbesar produk peternakan di Skandinavia.
  • The name Arla derives from the same word as the English word "early" and is an archaic Swedish term for "early (in the morning)".
    Nama Arla berasal dari kata yang sama dengan kata "early" dalam bahasa Inggris dan merupakan sebutan arkaik Swedia untuk "awal (pagi hari)".
  • Arla Foods was formed as the result of a merger between the Swedish dairy cooperative Arla and the Danish dairy company MD Foods on 17 April 2000.
    Arla dibentuk sebagai hasil dari penggabungan antara koperasi peternakan Swedia Arla dan perusahaan peternakan Denmark MD Foods tanggal 17 April 2000.
  • Arla Foods was formed as the result of a merger between the Swedish dairy cooperative Arla and the Danish dairy company MD Foods on 17 April 2000.
    Arla dibentuk sebagai hasil dari penggabungan antara koperasi peternakan Swedia Arla dan perusahaan peternakan Denmark MD Foods tanggal 17 April 2000.
  • In 2004 Campina and Arla Foods, a Danish dairy cooperative, announced plans for a merger, but the plan was canceled in April 2005 for undisclosed reasons although plans for other forms of cooperation are still said to be under consideration.
    Pada tahun 2004, Campina dan Arla Foods, mengumumkan rencananya untuk bergabung, namun rencana ini akhirnya dibatalkan pada bulan April 2005 karena sebuah alasan yang tidak diungkapkan.