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artistically artinya

contoh kalimat "artistically"
  • Looks like ink has been splashed artistically!
    Kelihatannya noda tinta ini menyebar seperti karya seni!
  • Eventually she fell into depression from being artistically stifled.
    Pada akhirnya Alma mengalami depresi karena dikekang secara artistik.
  • Who knows the lyrics to artistically fulfilling.
    Siapa yang tahu lirik Artistik memuaskan.
  • He was guided artistically by his mother.
    Ia dibimbing secara artistik oleh ibunya.
  • In the artistically rich city of Gwang-ju
    Akan di mulai lomba.
  • How artistically fulfilling is that?
    Bagaimana artistik memuaskan adalah bahwa?
  • It is generally agreed that garage rock peaked both commercially and artistically around 1966.
    Garage rock mencapai sukses komersial dan artistik sekitar 1966.
  • Them artistically gifted, but also technologically competent and
    mereka berbakat secara artistik, tetapi juga kompeten secara teknologi dan
  • You'll be involved artistically
    Anda akan terlibat artistik
  • Explore one of Singapore’s most artistically inspiring neighbourhoods—Tiong Bahru—with its many quirky street murals.
    Jelajahi salah satu lingkungan terinspiratif nan artistik di Singapura—Tiong Bahru—yang menampilkan deretan mural jalanan nan unik.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • in an artistic manner; "it was artistically decorated"

  • in an artistic manner; "it was artistically decorated"