atomium artinya
- Coming by train ? B-Excursion Atomium & Mini-Europe
Facebook [Atomium] & [ADAM - Brussels Design Museum] - Belgium 2 Euro CC 2006 Atomium proof
2 Euro CC Vatikan 2006 UNC in Folder - Say hello to Mannekin Pis & the Atomium in Brussels
Katakana hai kepada Mannekin Pis & Atomium di Brussels - Atomium - What to do around the Atomium [Mini-Europe ? Oceade ? Planetarium].
Facebook [Atomium] & [ADAM - Brussels Design Museum] - Atomium - What to do around the Atomium [Mini-Europe ? Oceade ? Planetarium].
Facebook [Atomium] & [ADAM - Brussels Design Museum] - Atomium - What to do around the Atomium [Mini-Europe ? Oceade ? Planetarium].
Facebook [Atomium] & [ADAM - Brussels design Museum] - Atomium - What to do around the Atomium [Mini-Europe ? Oceade ? Planetarium].
Facebook [Atomium] & [ADAM - Brussels design Museum] - It is an outstanding piece of architecture that was created in the year 1958. It was created by AndréWaterkeyn, and its original structure is a symbol of an iron crystal that has been enlarged 165 billion times. If you are an architectural enthusiast then you’ll thoroughly enjoy visiting the Atomium.
Itu adalah bagian luar biasa dari arsitektur yang diciptakan pada tahun 1958. Ini diciptakan oleh AndréWaterkeyn, dan struktur asli adalah simbol kristal besi yang diperbesar 165 milyar kali. Jika Anda adalah penggemar arsitektur maka Anda akan benar-benar menikmati mengunjungi Atomium. - At an official event, in presence of the Ministers of culture and agriculture of these regions, held at the Atomium in Brussels on 20th of July 2017, His Royal Highness Prince Laurent of Belgium has appointed Mr. James Bint as the Ambassador of the real Belgian fries abroad.
Pada sebuah acara resmi, yang dihadiri para menteri kebudayaan dan pertanian dari wilayah tersebut, yang diselenggarakan di Atomium di Brussels pada 20 Juli 2017, His Royal Highness Prince Laurent of Belgium telah menunjuk Mr. James Bint sebagai Duta Besar dari kentang goreng asli Belgia di luar negeri. - On the sea board at Knokke, or at the bottom of the Atomium in Brussels, Tender 2, ephemeral hotel, has the particularity to be easily dismantled. Iroko has been chosen for this project that combines different materials and new experiences, as the use of the wooden boards in vertical installation.
Pada daerah pesisir di Knokke, atau di daerah pinggiran Atomium di Brussels, Penawaran ke 2, hotel musiman, yang secara khusus dapat dibongkar pasang dengan mudah. Untuk proyek ini dipilih Kayu Iroko yang dikombinasikan dengan material-material berbeda dan sebagai pengalaman baru, sebagai penggunaan dari papan kayu pada instalasi vertikal.