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aunt artinya

pengucapan: [ ɑ:nt ]  audio:
kata benda plural: aunts   
contoh kalimat "aunt"
  • Aunt has written to us" Regarding that
    Aku tahu yang tinggal di mana di hotel saya.
  • Aunt, don't keep looking, don't even think. Just take it.
    Bibi, jangan cuma melihat, ambil ini.
  • I was raised by my aunt in New York.
    Aku dibesarkan oleh bibiku di New York.
  • Why my aunt would never let me see you?
    Mengapa bibiku tidak pernah mengizinkanku untuk menemuimu?
  • I have to go home, I owe my aunt a visit.
    Aku mau pulang, menemui "Bibi-ku".
  • Why you gonna put Aunt Bootsy in this?
    Kenapa kau membawa-bawa Bibi Bootsy dalam hal ini?
  • Uh-huh. And what happened to your Aunt Fay that weekend?
    Sekarang anak2 melompatlah dan cari kegilaan.
  • Cody, your aunt is here for you.
    Cody, bibi kau ada di sini untuk kau. Martin?
  • Take care of your brothers and sisters and your Aunt Charlotte.
    Jaga saudara-saudaramu dan Bibimu Charlotte.
  • I'm in a club with Lana's aunt.
    Aku di klub taman yang sama dengan Bibinya Lana.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle
    Sinonim: auntie, aunty,