awe artinya
kata kerja past tense: awed kata kerja past continuous: awed kata kerja present continuous: awing
- awe some: menimbulkan kekaguman
- awe-inspiring: membangkitkan rasa hormat; menakjubkan; menggerunkan; azis; dahsyat; menakutkan; suci
- peurise awe: perisai awe; peurise awe
- awe-inspiring, awesome: menakjubkan
- islands of loch awe: kepulauan loch awe
- awbono language: bahasa awbono
- Everyone stands in awe of the new super-weapon.
Semua orang sangat terkagum-kagum dengan senjata super ini. - I tell you, they're in awe and they're speechless.
Mereka sedang terkagum-kagum dan tidak bisa berkata-kata. - He said death was his father's road to awe.
Katanya kematian adalah jalan ayahnya menuju kebesaran. - I stand in awe of your prudence and sagacity.
Aku berdiri dalam kekaguman kehati-hatian dan kebijaksanaanmu. - I am so glorious... that is what you're in awe of.
Kehabatanku yang sangat kau takutkan. - Like Jay said, "Shock and Awe".
Seperti Jay mengatakan, sebuah kejutan yang membuat Anda gemetar. - He was in awe of you and your website.
Dia kagum Anda dan website Anda. - I'm awed the Bureau has so much time on its hands.
Aku kagum FBI punya banyak waktu. - That's awesome... in the true "awe" sense of awesome.
Mengagumkan.., Dalam "kagum" yang benar-benar menganggumkan. - Awe My boy on his birthday.
Awe - anak saya pada hari ulang tahunnya .
- Kata benda
- an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration; "he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe"
- a feeling of profound respect for someone or something; "the fear of God"; "the Chinese reverence for the dead"; "the French treat food with gentle reverence"; "his respect for the law bordered on veneration"
Sinonim: fear, reverence, veneration, Kata kerja - inspire awe in; "The famous professor awed the undergraduates"