bakong artinya
- Angkor Architecture of Cambodia Bakong Preah Ko
Angkor Arsitektur Kamboja Bakong Preah Ko - Angkor Architecture of Cambodia Preah Ko Bakong Lolei Freeman, Michael and Jacques, Claude.
Patung gajah di Mebon Timur Angkor Arsitektur Kamboja Pre Rup Freeman, Michael and Jacques, Claude. - Continue driving through the east and southeast gates of Bakong Temple to a local open-air market.
Lanjutkan berkendara melalui gerbang timur dan tenggara Bakong Temple ke pasar terbuka lokal. - A few decades later, his successors constructed Bakong in stages as the first temple mountain of sandstone at Angkor.
Beberapa dasawarsa kemudian, pewarisnya mendirikan candi Bakong secara bertahapsebagai candi berbahan batu pasir berbentuk “gunung” pertama di Angkor.