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bald artinya

pengucapan: [ bɔ:ld ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "bald"
  • Said she was going to have a bald boyfriend.
    dia bilang kau akan punya pacar botak.
  • Pachya.... Oh, hell. The fat head with the bald spot.
    Si kepala besar botak, Pendeta Tuck.
  • — Shut up and sit down, you bald fuck!
    Diam dan duduk sana, kau keparat botak.
  • Are you threatening me, you bald little Jew?
    Apakah Anda mengancam saya, Anda Yahudi kecil botak?
  • I know it isn't, you old bald jerk!
    Aku tahu itu tidak, Anda brengsek botak tua!
  • You should grow up for that, bald man!
    Kau harus tumbuh besar untuk itu, pria botak!
  • Manning- looked like ex-special ops, a big, bald asshole.
    Manning- tampak seperti tentara spesial, gede, kampret.
  • Aw, let me rub that bald head of yours.
    Aw, biar aku gosok kepala botakmu itu.
  • I didn't mean, like, completely bald, by the way.
    Aku tidak bermaksud kalau kau benar-benar botak.
  • Damned bald monk, who do you think you are?
    Terkutuklah kau biksu botak, pikirmu kau siapa?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • grow bald; lose hair on one''s head; "He is balding already"

  • Kata sifat
  • lacking hair on all or most of the scalp; "a bald pate"; "a bald-headed gentleman"
    Sinonim: bald-headed, bald-pated,

  • without the natural or usual covering; "a bald spot on the lawn"; "bare hills"
    Sinonim: denuded, denudate,

  • with no effort to conceal; "a barefaced lie"
    Sinonim: barefaced,