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baptise artinya

contoh kalimat "baptise"
  • Did you baptise my daughter behind my back?
    Apakah Anda membaptis anak saya di punggung?
  • You won't have long to wait before I baptise you.
    Kamu tidak akan sudah lama menunggu sebelum aku membaptis kamu.
  • I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
    Kubaptis kau..,.. Dalam nama Bapa dan Putra..,.. Dan Roh Kudus.
  • When her father tried to get Anne to baptise her youngest daughter into the Catholic faith, Anne burst into tears.
    Ketika James mencoba untuk membaptis putri bungsu Anne ke dalam kepercayaan Katolik, Anne langsung menangis tersedu-sedu.
  • Among the other things we talked about, she—without mentioning the child's illness—asked me, 'I've heard that if you baptise a Jewish child who's about to die he goes to Heaven and gets indulgence; isn't that right?'
    Selain beberapa hal lainnya yang kita bicarakan, ia—tanpa menyebutkan sakit anak tersebut—bertanya kepadaku, 'Ku dengar jika kamu membaptiskan seorang anak Yahudi yang bakal mati, ia masuk Surga dan menerima indulgensi, apa itu benar?'
    Kata kerja
  • administer baptism to; "The parents had the child baptized"
    Sinonim: baptize, christen,