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barrier artinya

pengucapan: [ 'bæriə ]  audio:
kata benda plural: barriers   
contoh kalimat "barrier"
  • But I am against using it as a barrier.
    Namun saya menentang untuk menggunakannya sebagai penghalang.
  • There are other barriers brought about by our laws.
    Ada hambatan lainnya yang dikarenakan hukum-hukum kita.
  • The barrier appears to be only 50 meters deep.
    Penghalang tersebut sepertinya hanya setebal 50 meter.
  • What caused the barrier to fail, General Hein?
    Apa yang menyebabkan Lapisan Pelindung gagal, Jenderal Hein?
  • We got new geophones, graboid barriers, blanket protection.
    Kami punya geophone baru, Graboid hambatan, perlindungan selimut.
  • He tests the barrier, but it stands firm.
    Dia mencoba melawan rintangan, tapi binatang itu kuat.
  • The current will keep it down until past the barrier.
    Arus akan menurunkannya sampai melewati palang.
  • What is the status of the rescue operation at the Barrier?
    Apa status penyelamatan pelindung itu?
  • French martial art which allows climb the barriers.
    Prancis seni bela diri yang memungkinkan memanjat rintangan.
  • The oni outside can't get in the protection barrier!
    Pasukan oni tak bisa menembus lapisan pelindung!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a structure or object that impedes free movement

  • any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective; "intolerance is a barrier to understanding"
    Sinonim: roadblock,

  • anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access