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battery artinya

pengucapan: [ 'bætəri ]  audio:
kata benda plural: batteries   
contoh kalimat "battery"
  • You see, the battery is the key enabling device here.
    Anda lihat, baterai adalah perangkat kunci.
  • Sounds like you got problems beyond your battery.
    Kedengarannya seperti Anda punya masalah luar baterai Anda.
  • I can hear the emergency floodlight batteries recharging.
    Aku bisa mendengar pengisian baterai lampu sorot darurat.
  • We take the batteries back and send an SOS.
    Kami mengambil kembali baterai dan mengirim SOS.
  • He′s going for the vehicle′s battery coil.
    la menuju koil baterai mobil, ltu gel kapasitor murni,
  • Four batteries in position with two more in reserve.
    Empat baterai dalam posisi dengan dua cadangan.
  • Ls it yellow in color? The battery operated car!
    Apakah Anda akan menjadi music director sekarang?
  • Help us squeeze some juice out of them batteries.
    Bantu kami memeras jus dari mereka baterai.
  • The Yankees have set up a battery not a hundred yards.
    Meriam Yankee sekitar seratus yard.
  • Battery went dead on the damn cellphone.
    Ya, baterai ponselnya habis. Apa yang akan kalian lakukan?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact
    Sinonim: assault and battery,

  • the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target; "they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops"; "the shelling went on for hours without pausing"
    Sinonim: barrage, barrage fire, bombardment, shelling,

  • a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series
    Sinonim: electric battery,

  • a series of stamps operated in one mortar for crushing ores
    Sinonim: stamp battery,

  • a collection of related things intended for use together; "took a battery of achievement tests"

  • a unit composed of the pitcher and catcher

  • group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place