blocked artinya
- blocked in: membuat rencana
- blocked account: akun terblokir
- blocked credit: kredit terblokir
- blocked currency: matauang terblokir
- blocked off: menutup jalan
- blocked out: membuat perencanaan
- blocked up: merintangi
- blocked user: indefblockeduser
- blocked acoustic impedance: impedans akustik terebat
- blocked wikipedia users: pengguna yang diblokir
- indefinitely blocked wikipedians: pengguna yang diblokir selamanya
- list of websites blocked in mainland china: daftar situs web yang diblokir di tiongkok daratan
- candidates for speedy deletion as having been created by blocked or banned users: kandidat penghapusan cepat pengguna diblokir atau dilarang
- blockchain: blok rantai; rantai blok
- blockbuster (entertainment): blockbuster; pecah panggung
- Kata sifat
- completely obstructed or closed off; "the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges"; "the drain was plugged"
Sinonim: plugged, - closed to traffic; "the repaving results in many blocked streets"
Sinonim: out of use,