Masuk Daftar

bob artinya

contoh kalimat "bob"
  • Bob, run out and get yourself some lunch, will you?
    Bob, maukah kau pergi makan siang?
  • Listen, let me talk to Bob, the owner.
    Dengar, biarkan aku bicara dengan Bob, sang pemilik.
    Pekerjaan kecil yang aku lakukan pada Bob Ollinger.
  • Our Bob Davis is there now, reporting from his car.
    Bob Davis dari lokasi. Silakan melapor.
  • He's very Bob Dylan in Don't Look Back.
    Dia sangat Bob Dylan dalam Jangan Lihat Kembali.
  • Bob can never do such a shameful deed!
    Bob tak pernah bisa melakukan hal yang memalukan
  • And this is my hetero life-mate, Silent Bob.
    Dan dia teman hidup dan matiku, Silent Bob.
  • (Likely) 'lt's the cons to kick off, Bob.'
    (Kemungkinan) 'Lt adalah kontra untuk memulai, Bob. "
  • I've got to go to the doctor with Bob.
    Saya harus pergi ke dokter dengan Bob.
  • Listen, has Bob Rickman been by the farm?
    Dengar, apa Bob Rickman sudah datang ke ladangmu?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a short abrupt inclination (as of the head); "he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement"

  • a short or shortened tail of certain animals
    Sinonim: bobtail, dock,

  • a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line
    Sinonim: bobber, cork, bobfloat,

  • a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string

  • a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism
    Sinonim: bobsled, bobsleigh,

  • a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around

  • a former monetary unit in Great Britain
    Sinonim: British shilling, shilling,

  • Kata kerja
  • cut hair in the style of a bob; "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"

  • make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect; "She curtsied when she shook the Queen''s hand"
    Sinonim: curtsy,

  • remove or shorten the tail of an animal
    Sinonim: dock, tail,

  • move up and down repeatedly; "her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"

  • ride a bobsled; "The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"
    Sinonim: bobsled,