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bombproof artinya

contoh kalimat "bombproof"
  • Fireproof. Bombproof. The safest bet on Wall Street.
    Tahan api, tahan serangan bom, andalan terbaik di Wall Street.
  • Is it really bombproof?
    Ini benar-benar tahan serangan bom?
  • In 1770, chief engineer William Green began preparatory work for the construction of Grand Casemates as bombproof barracks on the square's northern flank.
    Tahun 1770, kepala insinyur William Green memulai kerja persiapan untuk pembangunan Grand Casemates sebagai barak antibom di sisi utara alun-alun.
  • The square takes its name from the British-built Grand Casemates, a casemate and bombproof barracks at the northern end of the square completed in 1817.
    Alun-alun ini mengambil namanya dari Grand Casemates yang dibangun Britania Raya, sebuah kasmat dan barak antibom di ujung utara alun-alun yang selesai dibangun tahun 1817.
  • And aside from being completely bombproof, the Montgomery 3000 can only be unlocked by a voice-recognition system necessitating three different pass-codes from three different people, and as if that weren't already enough, the thing costs $10 million to build.
    Dan selain benar-benar tahan bom, Montgomery 3000 hanya bisa dibuka Dengan sistem pengenalan suara yang mengharuskannya
  • However, less than two percent of civilians had access to bombproof air-raid shelters, though tunnels and natural caves were also used to protect civilians from B-29 raids.
    Namun kurang dari dua persen warga sipil yang memiliki akses ke perlindungan udara yang mampu bertahan terhadap serangan bom, bahkan terowongan dan gua-gua alam juga digunakan untuk melindungi warga sipil dari serangan B-29.
    Kata sifat
  • able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells; "bombproof shelter"
    Sinonim: shellproof,

  • Kata kerja
  • make safe against bombings

  • Kata benda
  • a chamber (often underground) reinforced against bombing and provided with food and living facilities; used during air raids
    Sinonim: bomb shelter, air-raid shelter,