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box artinya

pengucapan: [ bɔks ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "box"
  • One percent check the box. The rest do nothing.
    Satu persen mencentangnya. Sisanya tidak melakukan apa-apa.
  • In Austria, again, nobody checks the box.
    Anda memerlukan organ, di Austria, tidak ada yang mencentang.
  • Hey, aren't you supposed to be in that box?
    Hei, bukan seharusnya berada di kotak itu?
  • I've got to bring a box lunch today.
    Aku sudah membuatkan bekal makan siang hari ini.
  • Eat anything you want out of the ice box.
    Makan apapun yang kau mau dari kulkas.
  • I got something in the box over there.
    Aku punya sesuatu di dalam kotak di sana.
  • There is hardly a home without the Nygma Tech Box.
    Hampirtakadarumah tanpa kotak dari Nygma Tech.
  • My New Improved Box offers fully-interactive holographic fantasies.
    KOtak baru ku menawarkan hologram interaktif penuh fantasi.
  • It's what humans call a lunch box.
    Ini adalah apa yang disebut manusia kotak makan siang.
  • Ah, I forgot to put holes in the box.
    Ah, aku lupa membuat lubang di kotaknya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a blow with the hand (usually on the ear); "I gave him a good box on the ear"

  • a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"

  • separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people; "the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold"

  • private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance; "the royal box was empty"
    Sinonim: loge,

  • the driver''s seat on a coach; "an armed guard sat in the box with the driver"
    Sinonim: box seat,

  • any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned; "the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter''s box"

  • evergreen shrubs or small trees
    Sinonim: boxwood,

  • the quantity contained in a box; "he gave her a box of chocolates"
    Sinonim: boxful,

  • a rectangular drawing; "the flowchart contained many boxes"

  • a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible; "his lying got him into a tight corner"
    Sinonim: corner,

  • Kata kerja
  • engage in a boxing match

  • hit with the fist; "I''ll box your ears!"

  • put into a box; "box the gift, please"
    Sinonim: package,