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broad artinya

pengucapan: [ brɔ:d ]  audio:
kata benda plural: broads   
contoh kalimat "broad"
  • Altogether, he was an apparition seldom to be seen in broad daylight.
    Secarakeseluruhan,ia adalahpenampakan jarangterlihatdi siangbolong.
  • I should never have started with this fuckin' broad.
    Seharusnya aku tidak memulai bersama wanita ini.
  • Okay, but watch your caboose and dump the broad.
    Oke, tapi hati gerbong dan membuang luas.
  • I have a feeling you guys got the broad strokes already.
    Akumerasakalianbarusaja mengalami masa-masa sulit .
  • Black broads don't know nothing about no head.
    Hitam cewek tidak tahu tidak apa-apa tentang kepala.
  • Their armor is thick and their shields broad.
    Baju besi mereka tebal dan perisai mereka kuat.
  • It's a broad desert. Nothing'll come of it.
    ini padang pasir luas. tidak ada yang datang.
  • Even the kitten he stole in broad daylight.
    Bahkan anak kucing ia mencuri di siang bolong.
  • Remember the one with the broad and the kid?
    Kau ingat kejadian saat bersama anak itu?
  • Now it doesn't have to happen in broad daylight.
    Sekarang tidak harus terjadi di siang bolong.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; "wide roads"; "a wide necktie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide"; "a river two miles broad"; "broad shoulders"; "a broad river"
    Sinonim: wide,

  • Kata sifat
  • showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent''s opinions"
    Sinonim: large-minded, liberal, tolerant,

  • lacking subtlety; obvious; "gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave"
    Sinonim: unsubtle,

  • broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers"
    Sinonim: across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide,

  • not detailed or specific; "a broad rule"; "the broad outlines of the plan"; "felt an unspecific dread"
    Sinonim: unspecific,

  • being at a peak or culminating point; "broad daylight"; "full summer"
    Sinonim: full,

  • (of speech) heavily and noticeably regional; "a broad southern accent"

  • very large in expanse or scope; "a broad lawn"; "the wide plains"; "a spacious view"; "spacious skies"
    Sinonim: spacious, wide,

  • Kata benda
  • slang term for a woman; "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"