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burner artinya

kata benda plural: burners   
contoh kalimat "burner"
  • It's gonna be incredibly close to that burner.
    Akan sangat dekat sekali dengan alat pembakar itu.
  • Juno, do you want to plug in the Bunsen burner?
    Juno, kau mau memasang pembakar Bunsen?
  • His other habit is buying Symetel burner phones.
    Kebiasaan lainnya adalah membeli ponsel pra bayar Symetel.
  • I told you not... No burner is what
    Sudah ku bilang, itu bukan tungku, itu akan
  • This morning, Popper drop off Burner all beat upon.
    Pagi ini, Popper Burner meninggalkan semua dipukuli,
  • No. And it's drifting towards the back burner, really.
    Dan sepertinya kami tidak akan menjadikannya prioritas.
  • There's a dozen ways Weiland could've got that burner.
    Ada selusin cara Weiland bisa membakar itu.
  • Homicide victim. She called from a burner phone.
    Korban pembunuhan, dia menelpon dari sebuah ponsel prabayar.
  • The burner wasn't Agent Keen's or Mr. Reddington's.
    Yang dilacak bukan Agen Keen ataupun Mr. Reddington.
  • That burner phone's in here somewhere. Keep calling it.
    Telponya berada disuatu tempat disini tetam menelpon
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse); "a diesel engine is an oil burner"

  • the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking; "the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one"