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ca artinya

contoh kalimat "ca"
  • Toute droite comme ca, un petit peut plus.
    Toute droite comme ca, un petit peut plus.
  • I love you, too. Subtitled By J.R. Media Services, Inc. Burbank, CA
    Aku mencintai kamu juga.
  • Subtitled By J.R. Media Services, Inc. Burbank, CA
    Subtitle Dengan Layanan JR Media, Inc Burbank, CA
  • I mean, ca... can't you... ju... ju... pull some strings.
    Maksudku, tak bisakah kau-- gunakan wewenangmu.
  • Hermenegildo González or Mendo I Gon?alves (died ca.
    Hermenegildo González atau Mendo I Gon?alves (meninggal skt.
  • In this allegory of love, written ca.
    Dalam tetesan air matanya itulah, puisi Tausiyah Cinta tertulis.
  • You got no strings Comme ci, comme ca Your savoir faire is ooo-la-la
    Andapunyastring Commeci,commeca savoirfaireAnda adalahooo-la-la
  • I got the cash. I got the ca
    aku mendapatkan uangnya. aku punya ua - - [Sambil]
  • Ca 1 is Kuzmina, ca 2 is Gushin.
    Co- pilot 1 Kuzmina, Co-pilot 2 Gushin.
  • Ca 1 is Kuzmina, ca 2 is Gushin.
    Co- pilot 1 Kuzmina, Co-pilot 2 Gushin.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5