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canister artinya

contoh kalimat "canister"
  • Looks like he never got his canister into it.
    Sepertinya dia tidak pernah mendapat tabung ke dalamnya.
  • You'll be confused when I open your canister up.
    Kau akan bingung saat kubikin memar.
  • Tyler, Tyler, say again, you have the canister?
    Tyler, Tyler, katakan lagi, Anda memiliki tabung?
  • They must have taken it out of the canister.
    Mereka hpasti telah mengeluarkannya dari tabung.
  • The canister of purple ooze is at police headquarters.
    Serum ungu itu kini berada di markas kepolisian.
  • We also have a lead canister here.
    Kami juga memiliki tabung memimpin di sini.
  • Let's keep that canister moving forward.
    Mari kita menyimpan kanister yang bergerak ke hadapan.
  • A tip about a mysterious film canister?
    Sebuah pemberitahuan tentang sebuah tabung film misterius?
  • Remember what happened to that napalm canister?
    Ingat apa yang terjadi dengan napalm ?
  • The canister was stolen from our lab around noon yesterday.
    Tabung itu dicuri dari laboratoriumku tengah hari kemarin
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour
    Sinonim: cannister, tin,

  • a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
    Sinonim: case shot, canister shot,