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cashmere artinya

contoh kalimat "cashmere"
  • Would you wrap a lizard in cashmere?
    Apa kamu mau membungkus kadal dengan kain Cashmere ?
  • You like calico cats and cashmere socks.
    Kau suka kucing belacu dan kaus kaki wol.
  • "Yourstorecardislike a 50 percent-off cashmere coat.
    "Kau belanja di Diskon 20% jaket cashmere.
  • Of course they haven't got cashmere.
    Tentu saja mereka tak punya wol halus.
  • Do I need six dozen pair of cashmere socks?
    Apa aku butuh 6 lusin pasang kaos kaki kain wol?
  • You're like a... mystery wrapped in a riddle wrapped in... cashmere.
    misteri dibungkus dalam sebuah teka-teki dibungkus masuk .. kasmir .
  • These sheets, it would be like wrapping a lizard in cashmere.
    Sprei ini ... Akan seperti membungkus kadal dengan kain Cashmere.
  • Uh, miss, do you have another pair of these black cashmere gloves?
    Uh, nona, punya stok lain untuk sarung tangan hitam ini?
  • Black cashmere gloves. - [bell ringing]
    Sarung tangan hitam kasmir.
  • Feels like magic in cashmere
    Terasa seperti sihir di kasmir
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a soft fabric made from the wool of the Cashmere goat

  • the wool of the Kashmir goat